Sunday, February 26, 2023

In which we answer questions, add to and improve a product review

 Ok so in the post immediately before this one I reviewed some products from Infinium Game Studios.  I grabbed my copies from here because they were on sale and I'm a cheap bastard.frugal.  I liked the products for the most part but had a couple caveats/concerns/questions.  A few short days later their product that ANSWERED some of those questions and addressed some of those concerns.  

It's their Solo Adventuring Tool Kit!  It's great for those looking for a little "lonely fun" as we used to call it.  It's also great for playing out "off screen" stories.  That was my first use of it.  I had a NPC paladin who needed a quest.  Some dice rolls generated most of the story.  I filled in details based on our current ongoing main narrative.  I then put the facts of the final battle into ChatGPT and let it write a nice synopsis of the final batle.  Tweaked the narrative to get a little more Tolkien and Poe into it.  Will present to the party when they meet back up with the paladin.

As I usually do with IGS products I'm setting up their tables on a spreadsheet so rather than taking space and rolling dice for everything and chewing up a lot of time I can use a simple F9 command, generate the needed random numbers AND give me all of the results in one place.  Do NOT like flipping from page to pade or scrolling up and down to find stuff.  

Nine types of quests - and they hit pretty much everything you can imagine.  Covers about 160 pages.  Tables for urgency, stakes, pace, suggested rewards, consequences (of success OR failure.)  Graphic templates for every variety of quest (albeit a bit simplistic, they CAN help a DM keep plot lines straight.)  

This product is NOT for every table.  If you're playing pre-packaged adventures or campaigns you might not benefit as much.  Monster of the week?  It'll be helpful.  My current game is a vast garden style game and if I need a quick plotline - to be played or just talked about, it takes me (spreadsheet in hand) less than a minuted to come up with the overview of a vast quest - or one that might be reolsved in 15 minutes of game time.

Good product. Can confirm.

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