Thursday, September 26, 2024

In which we count to three

 Hercules' third task was to catch the hind of Artemis.  In OUR setting the hind has been wounded.  She must still be caught .... and healed ... and the miscreants made to pay.  This task involves a skill check which is a pleasant change of pace.  Survival and Nature checks are used to track/locate the beast.  Once found Stealth might lead to a successful apprehension or calming.  Failure leads to the skill challenge of a chase: five successes needed before three failures.  Failure means you've lost the trail and need to start over the next day.  

PC's lose hp on a failure albeit not many considering their level, and before each new round of skill checks they must make a CON check or suffer a level of exhaustion.  This seems kinda silly.  IF we assume most parties will comprise 3-6 PCs that means there would be, at MOST two rounds and most of the time only one.  My party scored one success and three failures, then retired for the day.  They rolled HORRIBLY.  Next day they scored the three successes right off the bat and the task continued.  

They have a druid skilled with an herbalist kit who has done some potion concocting work.  This, combined with our cleric's knowledge of wild beasts, including the ettercap, gave them the insight they needed to make the potion.  They'd been studiously avoiding them during their pursuit of the hind but knew where to find them now that they needed them.  This woulda been a medium difficulty encounter but the ettercaps got lucky.  TWO of them managed to restrain two party members, making it a hard fight.  One of the E'caps was quickly put to flight making it a 3 on two combat for a couple rounds until the druid and wizard got free of the webs.  Two more rounds of combat vanquished the foe with the Battle Master being reduced 50%.

Poison sack harvested (on second try - the party has a new appreciation for their missing Ranger) and anti-venom salve prepared.  Trained falcon earned as a reward, as well as all living expenses for the month being covered.  Party returns to the real world next session but will revisit the village of Kalogeros in a month when another party member steps away from the table for a few weeks.

All in all the party is enjoying these diversions and appreciates the variety provided so far.  Next task is another combat pillar with a little social interaction.  Task #5 will present some outstanding problem solving opportunities.  Still recommend if you need an interesting drop-in or wanna play a dozen or so session campaign running from 5th to 8th level. 

The Cycle of Cerberus

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