Monday, July 12, 2021

In which we touch on "organized" crime and Thieves Guilds


Several authors have done a MUCH better job analyzing the subject than I could, so we'll start with them. First you need to go listen to the Wandering DMs S03E20. Awsome job. Especially loved this historical treatment, bringing in Cervantes and a very obvious inside job in Elizabethan England. They do a GRAND job of touching most of the published products as well. I actually had the Thieves Guild “game,” and ran a campaign in Sanctuary back in the day.

Jeff's Gameblog provides an interesting side story but wraps up with a cohesive idea.

I was expecting Alex Smolensk at Tao of D&D to have more but surprisingly he doesn't. He DOES have one informative post that I need to follow up on.

And finally (or perhaps I should put this FIRST) there's this. The Smithsonian provides this. And we should never forget that St. Nicolas is the patron of thieves.

In my current campaign there IS a traditional over-arching campaign wide TG. They haven't made their presence known much but HAVE reached out to our rogue on occasion with a task or two.

In the NEXT campaign I'm thinking scaled down. Competative street gangs (Warriors, Gangs of New York, West Side Story) in large cities. Small time grifters in the countryside. There's always SOMEBODY to go to, but if you're an itinerant adventurer your probably a much higher level. And maybe an occasional Moriarity wannabe.

1 comment:

  1. The linked post from me gives no useful information whatsoever on thieves' guilds, how they work or the relationship they have to crime in my game world. You will get more out of this page:
