Monday, September 27, 2021

In which we implement the new NTME stuff


Peargulf is a hamlet of <250 souls. Logging with a little grain and livestock. Edge of civilization stuff. They were eventually tasked with getting rid of a giant boar in the wilderness which they did so. Residents repayed them in the only way they could (according to the economy.) Fresh baked bread and a pound cake (which one of the players had suggested a MONTH ago!) upon their successful return. As they were leaving the village the next day there were further gifts: enough salt pork and biscuits for a week, fresh whole milk, butter, a plug of tobacco, a torch, a pair of woolen socks, a bag of flour, a bag of potatoes and a bag of dried fruit. Based on local prices that's about 50 gp in value for each of them. Those using bows were given two fresh bow-strings and a dozen arrows. The Baron gifted the Ranger with his old suit of leather armor. It's early fall and with winter coming they all realized how dear these foodstuffs were to the locals. No buckets of gp. No precious gems. No jewelry. No magic weapons. They LOVED it. Because they'd earned it. AND because they realized, if not the exact value, then the TRUE value of the bounty.

On a side note …. the Great Road runs through Peargulf. North it runs into “The Great Grass Sea” - unexplored & unsettled wilderness for DAYS. South it runs to Crysrift and eventually the City-State of Hourglass. Want to kill savage beasts (but buy no “stuff”?) Go north. Want to resupply and have those “urban adventures? Head south. The PLAYERS are quite happy with game flow so far but have wanted to dip their toe into a traditional “tavern/inn/blacksmith” village. That's what Crysrift is. But it makes SENSE where it is. Fishing village on a large lake with a river, and a crossroads of a trade route. More stuff and more variety. Plenty to do but none of it advancing any of the three current “story arcs.” And that's just FINE!

In NTME news …. just “finished” the price sheet for the furrier. Happy with the results but they could be better. First, the provide the players with an idea of what a pelt will be worth if they trap something or bring one in. My Ranger might bite on this. Second, the prices aren't TOO out of whack at this point but I need to introduce specific animal types to introduce scarcity/plenty along the price scale. Bring that snow leopard pelt up and drop the muskrat price.

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